No. 17[Quick Reply]
Why do I have to find out like this?
How can you allow me yo fk up that bad?
I'm fkg pissed at myself and angry no one gaf to tell me what was happening.
I've fkg learned, the internet is not real.
I will Never bring X back nor widh to see any prior acquaintances. I'm a woman and I am humiliated and disgraced by what has been posted.
if I should get out of the way, why was I baited?
Why say that shit? And why 2 DOXES in me?
Wtf is it about me that posses others off they need to do shit. I'm nobody. Plz clean up Twitter on me? I'm asking humbly. I also seen the dead dog post so, I very acuute as to whom was involved and to move me out of the way. You freaken paralyzes me. Yet, I've been making some bad choices and this hurt, hurt bad enough to refisus my intent. I will not interfere, or you will not see me within vacinity. Plz remove it.
No. 18[Quick Reply]
And Now, I've researched my azz off on him
I know a lot of his shit.
I ain't never going to let another online distract me again. A lesson due. A lesson learned.
I still don't understand shit.